Wednesday, 4 December 2013

National Board of Review: i migliori del 2013

Questi vincitori potrebbero sembrare poco rilevanti, ma attenzione, è qui che i membri dell'Academy prendono definitivamente atto dei film di qualità usciti nel corso dell'anno... al via la stagione delle statuette!
Prevedo buone cose sia per Joaquin Phoenix che per Emma Thompson che per Alfonso Cuarón...

Best Film: HER

Best Director: Spike Jonze, HER

Best Actor: Bruce Dern, NEBRASKA

Best Actress: Emma Thompson, SAVING MR. BANKS

Best Supporting Actor: Will Forte, NEBRASKA

Best Supporting Actress: Octavia Spencer, FRUITVALE STATION

Best Original Screenplay: Joel and Ethan Coen, Inside LLEWYN Davis

Best Adapted Screenplay: Terence Winter, THE Wolf of Wall Street

Best Animated Feature: The Wind Rises

Breakthrough Performance: Michael B. Jordan, Fruitvale Station

Breakthrough Performance: Adele Exarchopoulos, BLUE IS THE WARMEST COLOR

Best Directorial Debut: Ryan Coogler, Fruitvale Station

Best Foreign Language Film: THE PAST

Best Documentary: Stories We Tell

William K. Everson Film History Award: George Stevens, Jr.

Best Ensemble: PRISONERS

Spotlight Award: Career Collaboration of Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio

NBR Freedom of Expression Award: Wadjda

Creative Innovation in Filmmaking Award: Gravity

Top Films

Fruitvale Station


Inside Llewyn Davis

Lone Survivor



Saving Mr. Banks

The Secret Life of Walter MITTY

THE Wolf of Wall Street

Top 5 Foreign Language Films
Beyond the Hills


The Grandmaster

A Hijacking

The Hunt

Top 5 Documentaries
20 Feet from Stardom

The Act of Killing

After Tiller

Casting By

The Square

Top 10 Independent Films
Ain’t Them Bodies Saints

Dallas Buyers Club

In a World…

Mother of George

Much Ado About Nothing


The Place Beyond the Pines

Short Term 12


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